Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Midweek Motivation! The Old Me

You know those people who make everything a competition? You have them in your life almost everyday...that neighbor who has to cut his lawn just a half inch shorter than yours, that co-worker who just must get the last word in at the staff meeting, that Mom who's kid starting walking at 8 months when your kid started walking at 9 know the people I'm talking about! Well, I hate to admit it, but I am kinda one of those people, and I apologize if I've ever tried to "one up" any of you...I do it almost unconsciously, like it's an ingrained instinct, I really thrive on competing, even if there is no ultimate prize to be had.

I don't know that this one of my better qualities, but I'll tell you where it comes in handy for matter how off the rails I might go with my commitment to a healthy lifestyle (Hello Halloween candy and being "too busy" to exercise for the last week), I am so focused on not losing the position I have achieved through focusing on health and fitness that I will be in constant competition with myself to maintain where I am. In the past I'd have periods of time where I would exercise, eat well, lose would last a few months, and then...BAM..."old me" would creep right up and pass "new me" and I'd quickly be right back into my old habits, with the same excuses, feeling bad about myself but not caring enough to try to "win". As I approach the two-year anniversary of when I started running, which has been the latest catalyst to become the "new me", I will remind myself that the excuses "old me" used to use have been proven false; I have found the time, I have had the energy, I have made the efforts to keep beating her for two years, by doing something I told myself I would never to...becoming a runner!!

If you are not a naturally competitive person that is okay, you know what fuels your fire, you know what you need to do to "beat" her. Always keep that "old me" always in your sights. There may be days she gets a little bit ahead of you, but you'll pass her again, you know how to do it, you will win in the long run!

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