Marathon Training Week 11 Recap
For most runners, talking about running with other runners is almost just as satisfying as actually going for a run with other runners. This week I got to do a lot of both.
A month or so ago, I joined a local Moms Run This Town group. If you aren't familiar MRTT, is a national organization that sponsors free women's running groups to help promote the sport and connect women with other runners in their area. The group I joined is out of Maple Grove, which isn't far away, but also not super convenient. Then I noticed a few weeks ago that there was a "North Metro" chapter as well, so I asked to join their Facebook page, but never received an answer. Thankfully the leader of the Maple Grove group is pretty well connected and found out the group was leaderless, but was able to get me in to the page. Anyway, long story short, I ended up becoming the unofficial leader of the North Metro group ("officialness" is pending approval of the national office). There are about 6-7 women in that group who were still active, and excited to have renewed interest in getting together for group runs. We gathered Monday evening at Bunker Hills park in Coon Rapids for our first run together. It was short, only 3 miles, but the trails there are hilly and provided a good challenge. It was nice to get to talk to everyone and hear about their running goals. We were quite a diverse group in terms of the pace and mileage we want to run, but having running and parenting in common made us fast friends. I am looking forward to really growing this group and getting together for a lot more miles in the future.
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Me and the rest of the North Metro MRTT! |
Tuesday I was back on the spin bike for 10 miles with Kimmy Schmidt. I only have two episodes to go, I don't want it to end! I'm going to need to find another binge-worthy show for my biking if this weather keeps up! I finished up with my PT exercises and some core work. I can actually see a bit of a difference in my stomach since I've been incorporating core each week....I don't think it's ever going to be "bikini ready", but it's nice to see a little definition going on!
Wednesday was glorious! Sunny, mid 60's and blissfully free from work meetings! I had 7 on the plan and decided an out and back along West River Parkway would do nicely. There were a ton of people out on the trails; bikers, runners, walkers, roller bladers, even a guy on a unicycle! I wore shorts and short sleeves, but even then, I was sweating up a storm by my turn around point. I could have used my hydration belt today! I stopped for a potty break at mile 4 and my knee felt a little tweaky as I started back up, but it quickly calmed down and I was back into a nice rhythm. Kept all my miles under 10 minutes and felt really strong the whole way. It was awesome to see campus starting to bloom to life, and I even got buzzed by two eagles on the way back! Wednesday night I got to talk running some more with my friend Carole, an awesome triathlete and the coach of Kayley's new swim team! The fact that I can gab with Carole about running AND swimming is dangerous...I have to remember that she is there to coach the kids and not have me talk her ear off about my training!
Thursday I was back at my Physical Therapist's office for a gait analysis. I was supposed to run 4 today, but I since I knew I was going to be doing a little running for the PT, I decided to skip it. Catherine had me run at an easy pace for about 10 minutes, every once in awhile video taping me from different angles. We then watched the videos back, and she pointed out how my weak glutes affect my stride. I drop my knees together when I strike, and my right foot whips out a bit instead of going straight back. She also mentioned that I am striking mid-foot, which puts a lot more pressure on my knees. She calculated my cadence to be 165 steps per minute. While this is pretty normal for a non-elite runner, she had me try to speed it up to 172. This felt strange, but not bad. So for the next two weeks I am to do some intervals during my runs where I put on a metronome set to 172 steps per minute and see how I feel. She gave me a few new strengthening exercises for my glutes and quads and sent me on my way.
Friday was swim day. I waited to do my laps until the evening so I could get in while Kayley had swim practice. It was a short one since the pool was crowded. Did 1700 yards, 600 Warm Up, 2 sets of 5 X 100, set one on 1:45, set two on 1:40, then 100 cool down. After, Logan and I played around in the shallow pool waiting for Kayley, who was excited to come over and show me the new flip turn she learned at practice. I am so glad my kids love to swim...I was sure that karma was going to bite me and make my children terrified of water. Thankfully, they are both fish...I guess we are destined to a life of green hair and smelling like chlorine!
Saturday, I met up with some women from the Maple Grove chapter of Moms Run This Town for 12 miles at Elm Creek Park Reserve. It was a perfect morning. Upper 40's and sunny. Started out with arm warmers on, but shed them after about 2 miles. We held about 10 minute miles and made easy conversation. The trails have some rolling hills that were definitely challenging for me, but the pull of the group made them seem a little easier. It really is amazing how quickly the first 9 miles flew by. Talking about families, husbands, running, and what ever else those topics lead to is really the best way to take your mind off the fact that your body is working so hard. We had looped back around to the parking area and the group broke up since some of the ladies were only doing nine. I had 10 miles on my training plan, but one of the other women wanted to do 12, so I tagged along for her final 3. We ran a bit slower, but it felt good. Overall pace was faster than last weekend's race strength continues to build!
All in all, not a super exciting week, but all my runs felt strong, and I loved connecting with so many women who share my passion. I am continually inspired and motivated by their commitment to their families and their fitness!
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